Make a Donation to Christian Faith School

At Christian Faith School we believe that a strong academic program in a Christian environment is essential for student success. We believe our students will be leaders who will change every aspect of the world: ministry, education, business, medicine, fine arts, athletics, science, and technology. Community donations and support enable us to continue our work towards raising up todays youth to be a viable and postive influence on our world.

CURRENT PROJECT:  Scholarship Campaign.
Partner with us to provide scholarship dollars to underserved children in our area.  Your gift will go a long way in providing students with access to all the resources needed to be successful in bothe education and in life!  All funds will go towards educating students who are awarded financial aid based on need.  You can give a one-time donation or a series of donations set up as installments.   Thank you for your consideration to sponsor a student at Christian Faith School!

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