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Class Shopping List

To support your child's classroom auction basket, we've compiled a shopping list below. You can easily access the Amazon wish list associated with each teacher by clicking on the basket name.


Early Education
 Mrs. Williams  Tub Time!
 Mrs. Andrews  We all Scream For Ice Cream
 Mrs. C  It's a Boy!

 Mrs. Holder Treat Yourself Spa & Self Care
 Ms. Dickson  Family Game Night
 Mrs. Aguilar  Crazy about Pickle Ball
 Mrs. Hernandez  Go Outside!
 Mrs. Gosline
 Little Scientist
 Mrs. Holt  Cats and Dogs
 Mrs. Sokolan
 Lego-Lego Speed & 80's Retro + Barbie
 Mrs. Wombacher
 Creative Creations Art
 Mrs. Stimets  Growing Garden
 Miss. Kim  Barista at Heart
 Mrs. Friedland  Out of This World

Junior High
Mrs. Cho
Beach Hum
Mrs. Johnston Minecraft Mania

 High School
 Mr. Stennes Clean Car & Tail Gate Party
 Mr. Accisano  Tea Time
 Mrs. Hall
Gift Cards

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Class Shopping Lists